Service For Sight. Locally, our South Orange County Alumnae chapter supports the Blind Children’s Learning Center in Santa Ana. The BCLC prepares children with visual impairments for a life of independence through early intervention and family support. This year we were a sponsor of Vision Beyond Sight, A Dining in the Dark Experience as well as a co-sponsor in partnership with North Orange County and Newport South Coast Alumnae chapters of the BCLC 5k Walk.
We also collect Box Tops for Education and eyeglasses. If you would like to donate either of these items, please bring them to a meeting or contact us at
Delta Gamma Foundation. We support the mission of DG Foundation through our monetary donations.
Merit Based Scholarship. Through DG Foundation we are proud to have funded a merit-based scholarship this year for a member of Delta Phi at UC Irvine.
Volunteer Opportunities. Our members volunteer their time throughout the community, at BCLC and through Delta Gamma Foundation. Please watch this site for upcoming volunteer opportunities.